Just this year WVU has added turbo kick, bollywood fusion, sports conditioning and additional yoga flow classes. Hip-hop hustle and zumba tone will also be added for the spring semester.
Students partake in a body sculpting class as the WVU rec center |
Oliverio looks at the latest excerise trends when trying to figure out what new classes to bring to the students of WVU. "I really try to make sure that every class I bring to WVU is not just a fad, and it is something that is really going to stick around."
Oliverio also looks at what other universities are offering on their campuses for other class ideas.
If a class does not have more than 10 people in it during a prime time, such as 5:30 p.m., then it gets cancelled for good.
There is no seperate budget set aside for center classes. But it also does not come out of student tuition either. Money for funding these classes is combined with Oliverio's wellness budget, which says, is not a lot of money.
On average there are about 7 classes offered per day, more classes being offered in the later hours of the day. The majority of classes are filled by female students.
"One of my favorite classes is spinning. It is a great way to get me energized for my day in the morning. Brian is my favorite instructor by far because he has such great energy," said Heather Geiss, a senior marketing major at WVU.
WVU partake in a zumba class at the rec center
"Zumba is a great way to spend time with my sisters outside of the typical activities that we partake in while getting in shape at the same time," says Blake Younis, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Students can access additional class times online.